Monday, March 24, 2014

The Inauguration of the FMHH

Okay, Gentlefellows, who likes Asian flicks? Cause you're gonna see one.

Here's how we'll roll: rank the movies in order of preference (giving 5 points to your highest pick and 1 to the lowest). We'll add it all up and watch whatever gets the highest total.

I mentioned the last Thursday of the month as a regular time for gathering, but that would put us only a couple days away (or a full month). I'm happy to watch sooner or later.

The nominees (links to trailers):

Journey to the West (Taiwan 2014)
The Grandmaster (China 2013)
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (Thailand 2010)
Poetry, (South Korea, 2010)
Ikiru (Japan, 1952)


  1. Great stuff. My votes:
    Grandmaster: 5
    Uncle Boonmee: 4
    Journey to the West: 3
    Poetry: 2
    Ikiru: 1

  2. These all look good, but here are my votes:
    Uncle Boonmee: 5
    Grandmaster: 4
    Journey to the West: 3
    Poetry: 2
    Ikiru: 1

  3. Nice -- never heard of any of them.
    5. Uncle Boonmee
    4. The Grandmaster
    3. Ikiru
    2. Journey to the West
    1. Poetry

  4. I've wanted to see every one of these, and have seen none:
    5. Uncle Boonmee
    4. Grandmaster
    3. Journey to the West
    2. Ikiru
    1. Poetry

  5. Ok, so I watched all the dang trailers. Took me like 17 minutes. We'll see if all our HE-MAN BABETTE HATERS can stay awake through one of these films if it's a dreamy one, THUS my ranking, or pointing. Also, I disagree with the way all of you are listing these choices with the number first--it looks like a countdown list, and is confusing. You should do it like ME, with the points (that's right, they're points) AFTER the title:

    Journey to the West - 5 (that's right--comedy AND action)
    Boonmee - 4
    Grandmaster - 3
    Poetry - 2 (it looks lovely, but not sure I want to cry in front of you guys, though I might cry in Boonmee)
    Ikiru - 1
